The DJ quoted Eddie Vedder "It's an art to live with pain" on the radio while I was feeding Deniz her first solid food-the lovely rice cereal-. Then I heard the song Society from Eddie Vedder, the soundtrack of the movie "Into The wild", one of my favorites of all times. A college graduate Christopher McCandless abandones all his possessions including his car, money and social security card and hitchhikes to Alaska. On his way he meets many people that shapes his character. When I think about this movie I think about many of us who weren't brave enough like him to leave everything and explore the world, meet new people along the way and become a whole different person.
I will try to convince myself for the next 15-20 years that I will do my best to encourage Deniz to go and see the world, even if my heart breaks when I don't hear from her or worry if she does something I hate.
I must remember that our children are not our children as the great poet Gibran says, "They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself".
Yes they don't really belong to us do they? We are shaping them, but they aren't ours forever.
YanıtlaSilCongrats on her first solids! How did she like it?
She liked it but at the end she gets bored all the time and wants to suck her bottle. The taste is disgusting though but she doesnt know any other taste. I am planning to start veggies, soon.